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File Comments posted by LeelooMinai

  1. Quote


    Small info in case you're interested.

    For those using 'High Poly NPC Overhaul' this mod has to be above it (so the male faces arn't getting problems) and the 'Vampire Head Fix' from HPH below that.

    Installation order:

    Cosmetic Vampire Overhaul HD SE

    High Poly NPC Overhaul - Resources

    High Poly NPC Overhaul - Skyrim Special Edition (All Vanilla NPCs)

    High Poly NPC Overhaul - Patches

    (Reinstall) HPH (to get the 'High Poly Head Vampire Fix.esp' below the overhaul)

    Mods modifying vampiric NPC (like 'Serana by LamaKreis')



    Sorry, but i disagree.

    Putting your mod below the 'High Poly NPC Overhaul': Female NPC work, male NPC got the look but a brown face, PC didn't.

    Putting your mod above the 'High Poly NPC Overhaul': Female NPC work, male NPC work, PC didn't.

    Putting your mod above the 'High Poly NPC Overhaul' and adding the fix from HPH: Female NPC work, male NPC work, PC works now too.

    I wouldn't post anything like this if we didn't spent days testing it before (like being in every location where vampires show up). And no 'HD Goblins' or shrunken faces to be found anymore. Maybe they now look a bit different, i don't have enough pics to make a comparison, but the obvious 'look i'm a vampire' is finally gone.

    I am gonna necro this - as information, not as a reply. 

    Is this load order and mod combination checked in xedit? Walking around in Skyrim and look at the NPCs is NOT checking how and if mods work together. If you haven't checked them in xedit, and haven't ensured that vital components aren't getting overwritten, then pls refrain from recommending something like this. Stuff like this is a nightmare for us mod authors, because people do it, and then come back to us complain. 

    When a mod author tells you their mod doesn't work together with this mod, out of the box, just by load order, then believe them. If you want to use mods together, check them in xedit and screen them, if they need patching. As someone who mods since a decade, and is a mod author, I can ensure you, 99% of mods need patching. That's the nature of modifications.

  2. High Poly Head

       1,729,394    308

    On 10/7/2021 at 12:01 AM, whydidihavetosignupforthis said:

    thanks for making me sign up on a completely different website for one fing file 

    Yeah, be thankful for getting a high quality head FOR FREE, and you just had to do the bare minimum of signing, clicking download and installing a mod via mod manager. My gosh, how hard this must have been for you. And how unnecessary...right? Signing up for something YOU WANT. 


    Next time, do it yourself. Make a high poly head mod. THEN you DONT need to sign up...for anything.


    Edit: Might I add here that this mod isn’t just one file. It’s a complex mod, containing a mass of complex files, which are an utter pain to make. It’s a massive amount of work, very well done work. That can only be done by a minimal amount of mod authors. Alone the work that went into the Tri files is worth a salary none of you could actually pay.

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