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Everything posted by Render

  1. Here this person. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/petermorin/
  2. Was on the site FurAfinity. As a result, I found a man who stole my screenshots that I put together with the mods ... I did not expect this.
  3. I honestly don't know how to help you. I don't have such problems, although my computer costs 160 bucks and he is 8 years old. And even on it there are no problems like yours. (Although sometimes the textures didn't load, but it was due to the fact that I installed too many mods, it was a long time ago, and I rarely encountered such a problem)
  4. Everything is installed on top of the usual SAM textures. In the archives there is a data folder, it needs to be dropped into the game folder.
  5. Maybe, I've been thinking about this for a long time. But it all depends on my laziness. Many people have already understood this, probably. :D
  6. Still awfully not finished. In the next week I'll try to fix everything I find and everything I've found. Any help will be very useful!
  7. Version 0.1


    Finally ! Behold ! New, good textures for your cats. Include There are no seams at the neck! There is no difference in the brightness of the body and head! There is no bad quality of textures! And Original here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70481/? Still not finished yet. On the feet may be seams or gaps in the textures (I'm working on a fix, any help is useful to me) So far, the leopard and mountain cat textures are combined in one pack. But in the next (or not) updates I'll fix it all. installation: put the data folder in the game folder.
  8. Not =) I did this just for good screenshots. In fact, my computer potatoes and produces only 5-20 fps with TAZ And about textures. I did not really work on them. But if Kraan allows, I'll lay out custom textures.
  9. 1.my mod overwrite some of Sam textures 2.Enb T.A.Z Visual Overhaul make this (Very sweat body) 3.Custome body textures with a lot more hair. (This is my custom processing of textures. And the texture, this wonderful man gave me> Kraan)
  10. Msn textures, responsible for the relief of the body. These are separate textures on which the muscles are located. As I wrote above, my mod only changes msn textures and it does not affect the usual textures. On ordinary textures, the skin itself is displayed. Otherwise, I do not know how to explain :D Sorry.
  11. My mod change only msn textures . C: All this I did only for myself but decided to put it here, everything suits me :D
    I like the earlier version. But you still did an excellent job.
  12. It must be installed manually. Dropping the Data folder into the game folder.
  13. Oh. Thank you noticed this defect. I'll fix it immediately.
  14. Look nice P.s. After a while, I'll update the texture a bit. They will look better.
  15. I already laid out, and I support the mod for argonians. And I also have a set of textures that you can download (There is support for all human races and improving face textures.Vampires and dremors are also supported) At the expense of Khajiit. So far, I'm too lazy to do anything with them.
  16. And it came out! Only not here . And you know where to look for it.
  17. In the end, I posted only half the update: D Tomorrow I will lay out the second one. (Tomorrow !!!! XD)
  18. I do not know how to help you. Sorry
  19. This is only the msn texture. If you only installed them without SD-sam textures. That is more likely because of this. The second option is that you do not have enough computer power. Or RAM, since my textures are not compressed.
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