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Everything posted by Reversion

  1. Revised Version: MO2 Create an empty mod folder in MO2 Open in Explorer and create these folders: [Folder name] > meshes > actors > character > animations [Folder name] > meshes > actors > character > behaviors Copy/Move your FNIS folder into Skyrim > Data launch Generate FNIS for Modders (in the Skyrim data folder) from MO2 Click generate mod behavior go to the Skyrim data folder if you aren't there already Click on FNIS_xxx_List.txt Go to overwrite and go to Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS > meshes > actors > character > behaviors Drag the hkx file into the behavior folder you created Drag the animation folder from Skyrim > data > meshes > actors > character > animations into the animations folder you created Make sure the mod is active Run Generate FNIS for Users and you should see it
  2. Loving this mod, but I wish there was a separate voice file that only applies to the player, or a list of all the sound files that the player uses
  3. is anyone else getting this weird thing going on with the Khajiit textures? It only seems to be happening with SAM's textures and I can't use any other textures to fix it. Sorry about the bmp, you'll have to change it to a png if you don't have anything to view bmp files. ScreenShot3.bmp
  4. hand and penis textures are being weird, only seems to not affect argonians and khajiit
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