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Luthien Amell

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About Luthien Amell

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    Dragon Age, The Witcher, Skyrim, Mass Effect, World of Warcraft, The Old Republic, Assassin's Creed
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  1. I'm sorry for the delay in answering: D I'm going to try this mod to solve my problem with the carriage and I was curious about the "live another life" mod, I think I'll try this too !! I solved the problem of sound, I modified some lines in the file "Skyrim" in documents and the sounds came back: D
  2. Yes, the voices are turned up, this happens in all my saves. I can't start a new game because it crashes. I always stand outside of the carriage and nothing happens. I think is a sexlab or skyrim romance problem because only possible partners are muted. But thank you for all attention and tips
  3. Well, I tried to edit my last post but I didn't find how, sorry I have tried everything that Naurdor suggested and it doesn't work. And I noted that Vilkas is without his chest armor too. To solved the problem I decided to uninstall skimpy and modular armors. But thank you Now I notice another problem, I don't think it's a SAM problem, but maybe you have a light for me: All NPCs are mute. For exemple, Farkas doesn't greetting me when I enter in our home. I know he's talking because I use subtitles in my game, but I didn't heard the sound. The same happens with Lydia and Vilkas (and I really appreciate Vilkas voice, such a shame). Someone can help me? Now my plugins are this way:
  4. Thank you so much, Naurdor!! I will try your suggestions and soon I'll give you an update :*
  5. Hi guys!! My first message here I installed all mods following the steps from this post. Everything works fine and I fixed some of my problems with HDTPE but I still have one problem: all the guards are stil using only your underpants and I don't know what I can do to fix this Any tips? Ty This is my plugins list:
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