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About Mystery

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  1. Is there a way I can make it so only my character wears skimpy armor and nobody else? (and if possible, make it so characters I choose can were skimpy armor?)
  2. And How Do I use modular Armors? I installed the Mod, but so far I don't see the option to use it, is it armor specific or Am I missing somethin?
  3. Never mind, finally got it to work, thank you for the help! Quick question, will mods from Steam be usable?
  4. That's odd, I installed SAM, but when I tried using it, it didnt show up at all, downloaded the software and everything, Am I suppose to use a different method with the steam ver. of my game? or am I doing something wrong?
  5. I'm fairly new to adding mods, (at least outside of using steam), how do I go about installing the mods outside of nexus mods into mod manager?
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