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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/15/2023 in Image Comments

  1. 1 point
    Thanks, Shiny. I'm eternally grateful that I've found a place where I can share these kinds of things in the first place. These two are some of my favourite characters to create these little vignettes for. I just love their extreme juxtaposition visually and hopefully character-wise too. Red tends to bring out a sweet and gentle side to me, which is quite unexpected given he's a towering great demon. Thanks, again. I'm hugely appreciative of all of your comments and feedback, they mean a lot to me.
  2. 1 point
    The new style of screenshots in this set of pictures is truly remarkable! It takes the art of screen archery to a whole new level, creating a beautiful and uplifting atmosphere rather than the gloomier images from the set before. Red looks absolutely incredible with his new hairstyle and the face tattoo covering his eyes gives him a mysterious and powerful aura. The composition of the shots is impeccable as always, with the characters and their emotions being perfectly captured. The colors are vivid and vibrant, giving the images a sense of warmth and hope rather than horror and despair that usually accompanies such infernal creatures. The use of light and color adds an incredibly soft and tender quality, allowing to feel the warmth radiating from Red's protective embrace, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, we can find solace and healing in the arms of those we hold dear – especially seeing the emotional bond between Red and Zane, which is truly remarkable. It's clear to see that Red is willing to do anything he can to protect his special human, even if it means giving up a part of his nature. But as vigours flow, nothing is truly lost. The mutual exchange of energies has changed Red so much. I wonder how that reflects on Zane when the time comes. Thank you. It's a perfect blend of subtlety and impact. I also want to thank you for supporting VectorPlexus in so many ways. Your contribution isn't just substantive – your aesthetics resonate so deeply with my feeling of beauty, which makes this community a very special place for me. I'm grateful for your involvement, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with next. Your vision and creativity are invaluable, and I'm so glad to have you as an integral part of the VectorPlexus family.
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