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SavrenX BILF Geralt Prologue 1.0.0

   (3 reviews)

11 Screenshots

About This File

There have been many requests for this armor to be converted to SAM Body. Even PM to me many times. The problem is I don't like this armor one bit and the textures are very blurry from the original. The armor style is also very general and mediocre.

But after I looked back I tried to compromise it to my own taste. The texture is upgraded to be much more detailed. Now his pants are no longer long but tighter and mini plus Bulge like tight men's pants. The knife at the back is made smaller and repositioned so as not to cover the sexyness of these pants. Some important part like Pant and other now High Poly.

Download the original mod here (Credit to):

- Geralt Prologue :

After that DELETE the ESP and overwrite everything with my files. ESP is tagged as ESL as usual. Please enjoy.

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could you convert this Ancient Nord Armor)ryl EXTREME SE (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/41265?tab=files)

Response from the author:

I can but I won't. The model so boring. Hahaha.

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I ported it to HIMBO and it looks amazing thank you so much!



Response from the author:

Glad you can feel the benefit. Even it's not SAM but still we must support each other as male survivors XD

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Once again, me and my character Tobias thank you, SavrenX.

The Elder Scrolls V  Skyrim Special Edition Screenshot 2022.10.25 -

The Elder Scrolls V  Skyrim Special Edition Screenshot 2022.10.25 -

The Elder Scrolls V  Skyrim Special Edition Screenshot 2022.10.25 -

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      READ THIS so you dont come for my wig later, YES you'll have to schlongifyfifyur each armor because who created SOS did not thought of a spell to do that, but you only have to do that once and it'll affect all copies of the armor AND i recommend using Savrenx BILF Thong because it can hide the pee pee so you dont have to stare at the thing 24/7, as much as i love to stare at it being hard while doing a very serious quest is not the tea for me.
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      This time I made it more beautiful with ornaments for the armor and some parts glow in the dark. Makes the feel of the armor even more beautiful at night.
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      Credit to lilyrim for hdt xml and Dizona for vampire lord armor normal map ( for mixing ).
      Feel free to support my patreon here :
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