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Purple/Violet Stormcloaks & Other Newb Qs

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Hey, just installed the SAM mod and SOS. Also have the argonian texture mod and a few optional ones for SAM. However, two things happened.


First, when I went to the body paint for my argonian, his beautiful blue scales turned black save for head and paws. Nothing I did fixed it and I don't wanna restart. What happened and what do I do? Is it a glitch at the start? I saw white markings on him when he got shirtless....

Second, I noticed almost every Stormcloak had purple bodies, no textures or clothes save their undies, boots, and head and hands. I'm p sure I have some decent vram, but if it is that, what's the likely culprit, and if not, wtf?

Also, I would like to know if it was possible to make the SAM and SOS mods affect only me and anyone specific. I wanna feel special X3

Thanks for your time!

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I'd recommend you either run just SAM (or SOS), since they both do basically the same thing. I think the purple textures are either a missing texture of SOS/SAM conflicting with each other. Also make sure you've got the SD-Textures file for SAM installed as well.

If that doesn't fix your black body try equipping then un-equipping a chest piece. That happens to me now and again with a few pieces of armour but re-equipping them generally solves it.

If you're just using SAM in the MCM config menu you can set your own Samson/Samuel values along with standard ones for the various races. If you want to be the only big beefy dude out there you can just leave the race sliders at 0. Anyway, hope this sorts things out for you and enjoy. If it doesn't, post your load order here and we can take a look.

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Author of the topic Posted

I have RaceMenu 3-4-5.

Still black, though I notice I have white markings. Also, now NPCs are disappearing. As well, my character's cock can get big, but his balls are still small.

Run Order.PNG

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I'm using RaceMenu 3-3-0 myself atm however:

1 hour ago, Etan said:

For use Racemenu 3.4.5 with sam you can install HDT physics extension

I'd also recommend grabbing LOOT (Load Order Optimization Tool) to sort your load order, it's just a little utility to get your esps in a better order so there's less conflicts and whatnot. Anyway... I'm not sure but "beast kids.esp" might be overwriting your argonian textures but *shrugs* try one of the first two options and get back to us when you can with your results.

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I can't remember if there's a console way or 3rd party race menu slider to make them larger. They appear to be based on the size of the schlong and unfortunately don't get too huge. If you want your entire schlong to be bigger there is also the Scale Multiplier in the Scaling tab of the MCM. Hopefully someone else might be able to shed some more light on the situation and my apologies that I can't help you much more.

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Author of the topic Posted

Alright, I figured out how to get his balls big--by turning SOS back on. So I think it might be a bug with SAM...especially because the max size for a schlong with SAM is pretty much a third leg.

Also, I'm blue again! Now to figure out how to get my body paint to actually show....

Finally, I need to figure out how to work the Samson/Samuel sliders to get a nice, biiiiiiig belly and big muscles, too. Wish me luck!

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I've been using SAM Sliders in RaceMenu (Link to Lovers Lab) myself. You can make the balls a bit bigger but sadly not massive. You could try installing just a schlong from SOS but I'm not sure how well you could resize it without the rest of SOS.

As for a good shape... try about 60 Samson / 40 Samuel for a starting point. And good luck!

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Nah I've had SAM running fine without the RaceMenu sliders mod. At this point we might have to go bother vector about it since I get the feeling we're gonna need to edit SAM's scripts to get the huge balls. As for crashing... I'm not entirely sure since I haven't played with half of the mods you've got nor without dawnguard but I suspect it might be one of your other mods or skyrim's aging engine. Although if it is jsut the engine falling over I swear by UseOSAllocators in the Crash fixes mod. Anyway, hope this helps.

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10 hours ago, seorith said:

I am pretty sure that you have to have all DLC for the game for SAM to work correctly. So if you are missing a dlc I doubt SAM will work fully.

Just had a quick test and SAM seems to be working fine without any DLC, the purple textures are form SOS & SAM conflicting because FerreTrip wants to scale the balls up which they can do in SOS but not SAM, I assume due to how the scripting has changed.

11 hours ago, FerreTrip said:

Thanks! But I'm thinking it's the fact the sliders need Dawnguard for whatever reason. Trying to run it with the Dawnguard patch makes it crash, too.

I think that's because Dawnguard massively changes up the way werewolves work since they added a bit of werewolf content in with the DLC (along with nerfing werewolf form armour if you didn't have DG *grumble mumble*).

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Author of the topic Posted

Actually, talked to the guy who made it, he fixed it, and I can use it. I now have the sexiest lizard around with both Sams up at 100. Howwwwever, the other sliders don't do a damn thing save for the scrotum, which does help a bit. Not much, but it does. (And WHOA the penis you can have at max! It goes through the ground!) Only wish that physics mod worked with them so that they moved properly instead of stayed stationary all the time xD

Thanks for the help!

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