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Dick never works properly on skimpy armor?

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These screenshots are pretty much self explanatory 


I mean this doesn't happen when I make it not a body slot armor, like when I put it on slot 46

But some armors crash the game when I put them on slots other than body

And this dick mesh is annoying the shit outta me. Any help?

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Not an answer, but your companion there is giving you the "I know you have a great ass and want to show it off, but put some damned clothes on" look.

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Author of the topic Posted
9 minutes ago, Melesse said:

I think you're adding the dick mesh to the armor nif, right? What you're supposed to do is add the SAMRevealing node. SAM takes care of the rest. 

Do I need both the dick mesh and the revealing node or just the revealing node?

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Author of the topic Posted
58 minutes ago, Cyrus said:

you only need the revealing node. to get it to show in game you need to set the alpha to 1 in BSlightingshaderproperties

Doesn't work.


Then I went and ticked off the #52 slot in TES5Edit, now the dick shows but there's a gap


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Yeah, if the armor is using slot 52 then there will be a hole regardless.

The gap..I don't know why it happens. But I do know a way to fix it.

For whatever reason that I can't explain, there are a couple slightly different SAMBody meshes out there and one of em causes that gap if you try to make it revealing. I haven't messed around with revealing armors too much so I don't know why.

To fix it you can just swap out the body you're using for the "correct" one. If you need an HDT body, you can use the ones from the HDT BBB mod. If you need a non-HDT body, you can use the ones from this giant clothes refit that I did a few months ago. I would save a set of the _0 and _1 for each body for use in future refits.

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Author of the topic Posted
5 hours ago, neutraldude said:

I can take a look. Do you have the nif available? NVM think I see it. If you still need it looked at I'm decent with stuff

Nah, I'm fine with the gap since I won't ever see it during gameplay as it is covered up by the cloth.

A weird question, do you by any chance know how to create cubemaps for textures in skyrim? 

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