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I Think Its Time We Start Making Ripples On The Nexus

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20 minutes ago, Wynterknight said:

Oh, don't be disingenuous. This thread contains a bunch of demeaning comments towards women that made me cringe. Fortunately most of them were from 2 years ago, but Don's comments upthread are pretty rude and imply that women aren't welcome here at all. If somebody on a different site said those kinds of things about LGBTQ folks (even if it was a joke), we'd be justifiably insulted and angry about it, so remember not to say those kinds of things about women (not "females," thanks). 

I'm a gay man and I freaking love this site and the work y'all are doing and I check in on a regular basis to see what you've done, but shouldn't the site be welcoming towards everyone? So many of my favorite mods, both general and gay-friendly, have been made by women, and I'd love to see this site get even more popular and attract even more mod creators to give me more hot men and SAM-friendly armors. Making rude or dismissive remarks about women or other groups is just going to drive folks off and ensure the talent pool here remains small and insular, though. 

That is somewhat true. But they don't dislike women, this is a sight based on homoerotic content, they dislike hetero content, not actual women. Yes i believe the comments upthread are just a bit offensive, but stating that people here are treating women as 3d objects doesn't make sense, when they are talking about the actual 3d object of a woman. The distaste is towards nexus and how the straight community was treating them. But yes, some of the comments here are clearly misogynistic. But many of the comments were against the nexus community as a whole, not women.

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2 hours ago, Wynterknight said:

Oh, don't be disingenuous. This thread contains a bunch of demeaning comments towards women that made me cringe. Fortunately most of them were from 2 years ago, but Don's comments upthread are pretty rude and imply that women aren't welcome here at all. If somebody on a different site said those kinds of things about LGBTQ folks (even if it was a joke), we'd be justifiably insulted and angry about it, so remember not to say those kinds of things about women (not "females," thanks). 

I'm a gay man and I freaking love this site and the work y'all are doing and I check in on a regular basis to see what you've done, but shouldn't the site be welcoming towards everyone? So many of my favorite mods, both general and gay-friendly, have been made by women, and I'd love to see this site get even more popular and attract even more mod creators to give me more hot men and SAM-friendly armors. Making rude or dismissive remarks about women or other groups is just going to drive folks off and ensure the talent pool here remains small and insular, though. 

Who said female not welcome here ? What i mean about my writing is FEMALES MOD FORBIDDEN HERE ESPECIALLY NUDE MOD OR ANYTHING ABOUT FEMALES NUDE SCREENSHOOTS. Read information what is vectorplexus.

If you explore screenshoots thread we have wonderful females player who make gorgeous males even femboy mod.

I hate when someone try act like morale hero by twisting someone's word into something shit. We have many female modders too and they love make gorgeous males stuff. Say alienslof...alnarta ( for fo4 ), ShiGtay...ect. I admire their work too. Next time open your eyes and read carefully. 

Usually people like you will say " no need to be rude " after spit somebody else face. 

Vectorplexus palace for males skyrim or fo4 or any game. Females game character not welcome here and I'm sure most member here understand about this. Females player who love males ? Welcome. I love females and males at once. I make mod for females too. But i will never post my nude females here because this is vectorplexus. Palace for males character.

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Ugh the Nexus moderators/admins are terrible. I've had run-ins with them personally after they've (imo) treated me unfairly and acted gross towards me. They've been very passive aggressive and patronizing regarding my mods that they've felt the need to take some control over. I've also experienced on the more gay-themed mods I've posted there that they receive a lot of homophobic and transphobic 'feedback' and just have had a lot of general awful behaviour displayed towards me.

Ages ago the site also forced you to display your gender and only let you choose male or female, no other option, you couldn't pick 'prefer not to say' or 'other', you had to pick one or the other. I'd set my gender as female despite identifying as non-binary and my god the amount of abuse I got when I had that publicly displayed on my profile. The straight dudes on that site are apalling lmao. The second I set my public gender to male they calmed down significantly. They still treated me like crap on my gay mods but they were so much nicer overall thinking I was a man. I actually sent the Nexus staff this long, firmly worded but still polite letter to say they needed to change their ways about how they let you display your gender identity, comparing their outdated settings to Loverslab (where you can display your pronouns instead). Never got a response from them (cowards) but a little while after that they changed the gender settings so you can set it as 'prefer not to say' instead.

Nexus is still filled with utter disgusting SHITE behaviour but. Hey, at least you don't have to forcefully display that anymore. What an absolute hellhole. Any time I see I have a new comment on one of my mods I just feel sick and think "oh great who has decided to spout slurs at me today". 

Like man I just want to peacefully mod my game. Why do they have to make it such a dumpster fire experience to do.

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On 8/4/2021 at 10:29 AM, seijuuroll-cake said:

Ugh the Nexus moderators/admins are terrible. I've had run-ins with them personally after they've (imo) treated me unfairly and acted gross towards me. They've been very passive aggressive and patronizing regarding my mods that they've felt the need to take some control over. I've also experienced on the more gay-themed mods I've posted there that they receive a lot of homophobic and transphobic 'feedback' and just have had a lot of general awful behaviour displayed towards me.

Ages ago the site also forced you to display your gender and only let you choose male or female, no other option, you couldn't pick 'prefer not to say' or 'other', you had to pick one or the other. I'd set my gender as female despite identifying as non-binary and my god the amount of abuse I got when I had that publicly displayed on my profile. The straight dudes on that site are apalling lmao. The second I set my public gender to male they calmed down significantly. They still treated me like crap on my gay mods but they were so much nicer overall thinking I was a man. I actually sent the Nexus staff this long, firmly worded but still polite letter to say they needed to change their ways about how they let you display your gender identity, comparing their outdated settings to Loverslab (where you can display your pronouns instead). Never got a response from them (cowards) but a little while after that they changed the gender settings so you can set it as 'prefer not to say' instead.

Nexus is still filled with utter disgusting SHITE behaviour but. Hey, at least you don't have to forcefully display that anymore. What an absolute hellhole. Any time I see I have a new comment on one of my mods I just feel sick and think "oh great who has decided to spout slurs at me today". 

Like man I just want to peacefully mod my game. Why do they have to make it such a dumpster fire experience to do.

Scrap nexus and stay there instead. I quit nexus since they removed my file for no reason (it was a texture for males that I have done with the help of people from the old Hall of Torque). Also the comment was horrendous sometimes but personally I just find them hilarious and just ignore or report them.

At least there no one is going to complain about dicks and muscles so it's a better place for us.

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