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Berit's Ashes

Issues importing immersive armors to Outfit Studio

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This isn't really a SAM related issue, but it's for a SAM related project so I thought this might be a good place to ask. I've had some success making vanilla mashups for SAM and I thought I would try converting and possibly tweaking a few immersive armors. Namely, I'm thinking of making them modular and more revealing. I can't get past square one, however, since when I import the vanilla NIF some of the smaller objects end up out of place (see pic). I've tried copying the XYZ and YPR values from NifSkope but that doesn't seem to work.

What the heck is going on here? and how would I fix it? I know there's an IA conversion to UUNP out there, so there must be a workaround... Any help would be appreciated.



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The concept behind those immersive armors is simple, yet effect but I just find it to be messy in general.  Rather than remove parts of the mesh, an alpha map is used to hide them instead.

There are a couple of things to keep in mind when trying to import them into Outfit Studio: translations of meshes and transformations of skinning data.  Outfit Studio doesn't touch either and only seems to display the meshes soley on the vertex coordinates.  They will look fine in game though.  Unless there's a tool out there to do it automatically, the quickest way to zero the translations and transformations is to import them into something like 3DS Max and then export them. You may have to apply smoothing to prevent double vertices due to normals.

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