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My Argonian needs a leg day...

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I'm digging around, enjoying SAM and some other mods... but for some reason, my legs aren't really scaling, does anyone have a good mod recommendation or something to help me increase the size of my character's legs? I have seen quite a lot of screen shots of other characters with those -thunder thighs- and yet... I cannot seem to get the same result.

Thank you so much!



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Author of the topic Posted
9 hours ago, Cyrus said:

there should be sliders you can use in racemenu!

Hmmm... I might be missing sliders...


5 hours ago, Dredd said:

Pretend your character is a Goron/Argonian hybrid and call it a day :P

Heh, shame that I'm a sucker for giant thighs on my men~~





hmmmm, I think my racemenu settings are missing... quite a lot of features

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Author of the topic Posted

I believe I found the fix for it, just replacing the original skeleton with the XP32 skeleton, however this did cause my game to crash each time I loaded up RaceMenu, but this maybe due to a prior mod in existence, I should make a new character real quick and see if that worked...

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I can confirm - Racemenu (possibly requiring XP32) has a tab called Body Scales, which lets you scale every part of your body (breasts, arms, legs, hands, fingers, spine, etc) individually. So even if you have a thin guy but want thunder thighs you can do that. And if you want a man with a single very large finger on his left hand, that is also possible.


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Hey I know this is an oooooold thread but it seems to touch on an issue that I'm personally having... where I have everything installed and the sliders in "body sliders" are all present... but they don't do anything. XP32 is installed last and overrides SAM, but still nothin'. My Khajiit needs a leg day too and I can find narry a solution anywhere I look ;-;

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6 часов назад, TheDandyHorse сказал:

Hey I know this is an oooooold thread but it seems to touch on an issue that I'm personally having... where I have everything installed and the sliders in "body sliders" are all present... but they don't do anything. XP32 is installed last and overrides SAM, but still nothin'. My Khajiit needs a leg day too and I can find narry a solution anywhere I look ;-;

Do you have Realistic Ragdolls and Force , HDT Extensions and FNIS installed? If you don't just do that and update behaviour files through FNIS tools (read on FNIS description)

EDIT: I saw your own topic and I'll try to answer there

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