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So I dont know what I did but I some how glitched the game xD So everything other than this works! bear that in mind textures look fantastic (Im hypnotized by the pec physics) but then I select smooth texture aaand this happens. That dosent look smooth to me so I figured id ask for help any one have any ideas?



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Hey and welcome to the forums, just one sleight issue I'm having. I've no idea what's happening but I assume it's skyrim related? You'll probably get more help in the skyrim section and can you upload the picture as a jpg so we can see it? The server's being a bit buggy today it seems.

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Ok, now I can see the pic (website bug thing) I think I know what's going on. IT looks like there's some script lag going on so equipping some armour and taking it off again should update the textures for you.


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