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Lily Magick

HDT-SMP Hair with collision for Men

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Hello everyone 👋🏼 

Does anyone use physics hair with proper collisions for their men on Skyrim SE with SAM Light? 

I just discovered this mod that adds HDT-SMP wigs converted over to SE, and to my great surprise it actually includes quite a few functional and good looking physics hairs for males. However, I don’t think it includes the files I need in order to build collision for the male hairs using Bodyslide. I’m very interested in learning more about modding and just started to read guides and watch tutorials of more advanced topics.

Can someone who understands how to build collisions for males physics hairs explain which files are needed for this so I can understand the process a little better? Or maybe someone perhaps knows a workaround using Bodyslide to make the collisions happen?

Here’s the link to the mod I’m referring to:

HDT-SMP Physics Wigs Package for Great modders' work


Thank you.

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I recently made for myself a HDT wig from my favourite hairstyle using one of Dint's as a base and from what I understood during that process, if your body is larger than the collision mesh (and thus the hair still clips through your body) you just need to open the hair in Outfit Studio and refit the virtual mesh using a body reference to the size you use in game. I don't know if simply copying sliders is enough or you need to build them though, you might need to try a few combinations before getting to the golden spot.

The pack of Dint's hair that I used to make my wig already had sliders for the virtual shapes, including SAMson and SAMuel sliders, so you might want to look into that as well.

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