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Help Please, how can i change SAM penis size via script?

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I'd imagine it involves calling the functions from SAM_Data script:

Float Function setSchlongScrotum(Actor actorRef, Float fScrotum)
Float Function setSchlongSize(Actor actorRef, Float fSize)
Float Function setSchlongTaper(Actor actorRef, Float fTaper)

Then using the functions from SAM_QuestScript to update the actor:

int Function CheckRace(actor ActorRef)
Function UpdateSchlong(actor ActorRef, int iRace)


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Thanks for reply.


Because i'm new to scripting... please, can you post  a complete working script?

 I don't Know how integrate this code in my script.


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On 2017/3/11 at 4:32 AM, KouLeifoh said:

I'd imagine it involves calling the functions from SAM_Data script:

Float Function setSchlongScrotum(Actor actorRef, Float fScrotum)
Float Function setSchlongSize(Actor actorRef, Float fSize)
Float Function setSchlongTaper(Actor actorRef, Float fTaper)

Then using the functions from SAM_QuestScript to update the actor:

int Function CheckRace(actor ActorRef)
Function UpdateSchlong(actor ActorRef, int iRace)


I can feel your idea so good. So, I tried to modify SAM_QuestScript.psc by adding new race "KK_Itsuki_Race" to original one as below Pic.1. Then, I compiled the modified psc to pex with PapyrusCompiler. But, many errors were caused and its compiling became failed as below Pic.2. And, for a trial, I also compiled the original SAM_QuestScript.psc but the result was the same as the modified case. Maybe, I guess that my prerequisite lacks something to compile psc correctly. What is it?


Pic 1





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As a rule of thumb with source scripts, you should first compile them without any changes to make sure your personal setup works.  Afterwards, you can make incremental changes and then compile as necessary.

Based on that screenshot, the error is on line 644, character 0 in the SAM_MCMScript.psc source file.  Since the error location isn't always the source of the problem, you'll have to trace it back to any changes you've made.  My guess would be how you added your custom race to the script(s).

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5 hours ago, KouLeifoh said:

As a rule of thumb with source scripts, you should first compile them without any changes to make sure your personal setup works.  Afterwards, you can make incremental changes and then compile as necessary.

Based on that screenshot, the error is on line 644, character 0 in the SAM_MCMScript.psc source file.  Since the error location isn't always the source of the problem, you'll have to trace it back to any changes you've made.  My guess would be how you added your custom race to the script(s).

Pardon for my lack of explanation!

This error was caused by not only my edited SAM_QuestScript.psc but also original one. SAM works fine on my configuration. So, for a trial I tested whether my papyrus conversion worked correctly and for the purpose I used original SAM_QuestScript.psc. But, its result was the same as one of my edited SAM_QuestScript.psc.

Why did my compilation become failed on original basis?

So, I checked a part where compiler error signed as you mentioned and I found that a function of EndEvent existed there.  

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Pre-compiled scripts were compiled under someone else's configuration.  They will work for anyone.  What I meant was to compile the source scripts yourself.  Any errors would indicate something is wrong with your setup.  I compiled SAM's source scripts on my own setup with the CK and didn't get any errors.  To eliminate any potential source of problems, I recommend compiling with the CK.


elseif ActorRace == kkItsuki_Race
    return NORD

is your kkItsuki_Race variable defined somewhere in the source file?

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4 hours ago, KouLeifoh said:

Pre-compiled scripts were compiled under someone else's configuration.  They will work for anyone.  What I meant was to compile the source scripts yourself.  Any errors would indicate something is wrong with your setup.  I compiled SAM's source scripts on my own setup with the CK and didn't get any errors.  To eliminate any potential source of problems, I recommend compiling with the CK.

Thanks, you are right. My PapyrusCompiler was a bit buggy.


5 hours ago, KouLeifoh said:


elseif ActorRace == kkItsuki_Race
    return NORD

is your kkItsuki_Race variable defined somewhere in the source file?

So, kkItsuki_Race variable is defined by Race in its new race esp. And, loadorder of the new race esp has to be higher than one of SAM esp becuase the new race esp refers to SAM genitals to add its genitals to it. But, SAM can't have the new race recognize in this situation.

Then, I guess that modifing SAM scripts is unique way to realize it.

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