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I'm wanting to try out the SAM body for the first time and am wondering if people here think it would be better for me to do so with Skyrim SE or Skyrim LE

I've been playing SE for the past several years (off and on), but have never been able to achieve the male body type I want with it. I've been using SOS and the closest I've been able to get to what I'd like is by also using the Femboy racemod which allows me to use female facial presets, but... it has many limitations and doesn't allow for really any masculinity beyond having the appropriate genitalia. 

I want to be able to play an adorable, somewhat feminine but still obviously male twink while surrounded by larger and very masculine warriors. Can't imagine that's too uncommon a desire. 

So... for moving to the SAM body type and having a good range of helpful mods for what I'm wanting, would I be better off moving back to LE or sticking with SE? Thanks so much for advice on this and anything else you think I might need to know!

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You’ll have more options with LE obviously, but the performance issues, crashing, bugs etc… Just aren’t worth it. I’d stick with SE.

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