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About Safyre

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  • Favorite Games
    Skyrim, Fallout4, Pathfinder

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  1. Ah! I don't know how I missed that. 😵I've been going crazy. Thanks! I'll give that a try instead. Edit: Yay! It works! Now I can move on to working on character design and figuring what other mods I want to play with. Thank you! 😄
  2. I can't, for the life of me, figure this out. It sounds simple enough - just replace the SchlongsOfSkyrim.dll file in Sam Light folder with the the file from the Schlongs of Skyrim folder - yet that doesn't seem to work. It still tells me the dll is out of date and there's still undies on my character and no schlongs loaded in the SOS MCM. My SKSE is a version higher than listed for the SOS mod, but that shouldn't matter because SOS was working just fine with it before I decided to start fresh so that I could try out the SAM body. If I can't get this mod to work... do I need this? Is this the only way to get SOS and SAM to work together? (So many mods on LL are dependent on SOS.)😞
  3. Safyre


    He's fantastic! Masculine enough that I'd want to date him, cute enough that I'd want to be him. And who doesn't love a dark, maybe dangerous vibe? I'd love it if I could get my Skyrim characters to look anywhere near this good - some real envy going on here. Excellent job, man.
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