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Modern Clothes for SAM Light

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The SAM penis if you're not using SavrenX's SOS patch, uses Slot 32, which is the same as the main body. The tops replace the body slot, and since they were made for SOS (slot 52) the mesh they come with has no penis. You need to manually place the schlong inside the meshes for it to show (IDK if SAM Light has a revealing keyword that you can apply instead, or if copying the SOS keyword with xEdit into the plugin works without SOS).

To have this problem, it sounds like you just gave the clothes the SAM sliders and then kept the SOS body. That can cause texture issues (and possibly gaps between hands, feet and the body) since the SAM textures are only meant to fit the SAM Light body. To solve these problems when refitting you should import the clothes on the SAM project, remove the clothes' base body, use the brushes to adapt the clothes, and then delete the vertices of the body mesh which you don't need.

Another problem with the modern clothes is that the pants, meant for a SOS setup, often use Slot 52 to hide the penis. Using SAM alone will make the penis clip through the pants, and that might be trickier to fix since you can't simply use slot 32 on the pants, as that would unequip the body.

I would upload my own refit, but I'm not sure I have the permissions to do that, and also since I use the SOS setup for the genitals I'd have to find a way to make the pants work for a Slot 32 penis.

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Author of the topic Posted
On 3/3/2021 at 3:46 AM, ElderVerK said:

The SAM penis if you're not using SavrenX's SOS patch, uses Slot 32, which is the same as the main body. The tops replace the body slot, and since they were made for SOS (slot 52) the mesh they come with has no penis. You need to manually place the schlong inside the meshes for it to show (IDK if SAM Light has a revealing keyword that you can apply instead, or if copying the SOS keyword with xEdit into the plugin works without SOS).

To have this problem, it sounds like you just gave the clothes the SAM sliders and then kept the SOS body. That can cause texture issues (and possibly gaps between hands, feet and the body) since the SAM textures are only meant to fit the SAM Light body. To solve these problems when refitting you should import the clothes on the SAM project, remove the clothes' base body, use the brushes to adapt the clothes, and then delete the vertices of the body mesh which you don't need.

Another problem with the modern clothes is that the pants, meant for a SOS setup, often use Slot 52 to hide the penis. Using SAM alone will make the penis clip through the pants, and that might be trickier to fix since you can't simply use slot 32 on the pants, as that would unequip the body.

I would upload my own refit, but I'm not sure I have the permissions to do that, and also since I use the SOS setup for the genitals I'd have to find a way to make the pants work for a Slot 32 penis.

I figured it must have been some sort of slot issue thank you so much for all the info! 

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Author of the topic Posted
18 hours ago, HarryDoppler said:

Were you successful? i got permissions from the author and have been working on them. 

I could share it with you if you're still interested.

Here's how it looks:


I toyed around with it until it eventually frustrated me and I forgot about it haha I would very much so appreciate you sharing it! Also that looks AMAZING! 

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 I changed the slots so that the pants no longer leave the genitals visible, and the shirts can be worn with underwear or necklaces. ohh and also added a Sleeveless Hoodie.;)

Since it's kind of a personal project it's far from perfect, the basic shirt, for example, will clip a lot if you raise your arms. i might polish them later. 

But, anyways, here it is, hope you like it:


Modern Clothes (for SAM Light).rar

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Author of the topic Posted
17 hours ago, HarryDoppler said:

 I changed the slots so that the pants no longer leave the genitals visible, and the shirts can be worn with underwear or necklaces. ohh and also added a Sleeveless Hoodie.;)

Since it's kind of a personal project it's far from perfect, the basic shirt, for example, will clip a lot if you raise your arms. i might polish them later. 

But, anyways, here it is, hope you like it:


Modern Clothes (for SAM Light).rar 65.48 MB · 19 downloads

Thank you so much! 🥰

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