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Does anyone remember this mod? (Fitness and Exercise Mod)

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Back in the day (maybe 2016), I remember playing with a mod that uses shape atlas for men and a basic needs mod (I don't remember which one) to make a realistic growth progression for your character. I remember it using a system of calories and exercise to modify the samson and samuel sliders to simulate muscle/fat growth. I thought it was super neat to see my character get better and bigger overtime. But now for the life of me, I can't find this mod anymore! It's really annoying me because it was such an awesome idea for a mod. It makes gameplay actually interact with SAM which is so fun. If you know what this mod was called please let me know!! 

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Author of the topic Posted
44 minutes ago, Lady_Kazu said:

I believe the mod was called "Pumping Iron", I could be wrong though...

I felt like it was more complicated than that mod is, or maybe I'm misremembering? Well thank you anyway ☺️

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There was an extension to Pumping Iron which incorporated samson and samuel values from SAM, way back on the LadyMoiraine forums. I don't believe it has ever been reuploaded since the move to this site.

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Author of the topic Posted
5 hours ago, Melesse said:

There was an extension to Pumping Iron which incorporated samson and samuel values from SAM, way back on the LadyMoiraine forums. I don't believe it has ever been reuploaded since the move to this site.

Well now I have a lead, and I can find the original poster of the mod hopefully. Thank you!

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Author of the topic Posted
8 hours ago, Melesse said:


Unfortunately the Wayback Machine doesn't archive files, only webpages.

Wow, this is literally it. I gave up way too quickly lawl. https://vectorplexus.com/profile/2590-hymnaru/ Unfortunately he hasn't logged into here since November 3rd, 2018. I will keep looking for a file somewhere, thanks for the help.

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