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Sam+BodySlide Options

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So ive loved SAM for the longest time, but now with the customization allowed by shakens male bodyslide mod i struggle with enjoying the more extreme and customized body ive made on the buffguy preset, without getting the Samuel side of the scaling. Can anyone help me figure out a way to overwrite the correct files in sam to utilize the different body skeleton or has somebody already figured out a workaround??? 

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You should not use schaken mod as he changed that meshes and only compatible with sos meshes schlong. Short word if you use schaken mod...there is no file / support can help you here. You should ask him personally for your solution. He even stole Kouleifoh high poly body and said no one care for sam anymore. Bro Kouleifoh still active here today and alive. If you want use sos patch you can use mine so it will behave like schaken with official Sam mod without change meshes.

Better you remove all his mod and start build sam from files from this website.

Seriously you openly said use schaken mod ( stolen sam ) and ask solution here for his mod...that alone considered not nice.

Use bodyslide from bro Air. Much better than shacken plus support latest HDT and all scaling racemenu. Besides bro Kouleifoh mod much better than him as bro Kouleifoh is the original creator of high poly SAM. Now he released high poly head. Maybe someday someone will steal it and say no one care that head too like loser.

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