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Vidar the Iced-Eyes

Anyone taking requests?

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Im a huge fan of Naruto mods, like the naruto overhaul and the uchiha clan mod. There is however, some missing things from the naruto world i wouldve loved to see in skyrim. One such thing is the sword Nunoboko, also known as the divine sword. According to Obito, this sword was wielded by the Sage of Six Paths himself, and used it to create the world, and could easily use it to destroy it. This sword would most certainly be lore breaking and only for roleplaying, as i would use it. It is a smooth all-black sword, in the shape of a helix, what most recognize to represent DNA. In most references it is extremely long, than a normal sword, since it can be shapeshifted, but id prefer it to just be a normal length. Its effects would be unique, that anything that it touches, other than its wielder, would turn to dust (ash pile), as is was created by truth seeking orbs, no one can touch it. I consider this weapon to be an end game item for sure. will pay up to 400$



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