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  1. Version 1.0.0


    Hello, First submitted refit It's not perfect but I'm getting better every day and will hopefully post an update in the future. Disclaimer: *************************************** This is not my original work. I just made the refit to make the armor compatible with the SAM body. original armor page: Credit to ARROW&KNEE MOD TEAM. SOS Portal to said armor mod: Courtesy of b3lisario **************************************************** There are a few clipping issues in the back and under the arms that I cannot seem to figure out how to solve. They become more noticeable past Samson/Samuel 50. There are also some pieces around the leg straps that also don't move with some custom animations for some reason. Again, I will see if I can take another look down the road. I incorporated with the SAM HDT body so HDT physics should work. Give it a go and let me know of any issues you might find. It should still at least look good Acknowledgements: ******************************* User jdronk for requesting this refit. Arrow&Knee Mod Team for their fine work on the armor. Vector for SAM, KouLeifoh for the HDT support body that I used, and everyone else in this great community for making Skyrim a little more Fabulous Lastly, I am no graphics expert (I'm a programmer, can't even draw) but I was able to do this with literally everything that was posted in the Modding Tools For SAM Kit. Granted, I got these tools a little earlier via other means. but basically what I am trying to say is that, If I can do it, you can probably do it too Thanks Oh, I almost forgot, to get the armor in game, do the following console commands: help "zhanyi" player.additem <formid> 1
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