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Everything posted by shendragon710

  1. so should I say yes to any of the sam files overwriting each other?
  2. no i mean i couldn't install smas core. but now i think i have it up and running but now all the men are disappearing into thin air in front of me and i get a lot of transparent parts. wait how do i install same core properly? right now i just turned it into an archive but i guess thats not how you do it?
  3. what do you mean archive it? is there some already archive in the sam folder? im just not understanding because when i look through the folder i see the texture folder and etc and dint find any archives. also when i tried to add it to nexus mod manger it didn't work as it didn't recognize the files because it was not an archive. and that bsa stuff when i unpacked it didnt work at all. look can someone give me a super dumbed down way step by step of what to do with no implied details left out.
  4. i need help i am not sure how to install sam at all. the files in skyrim are packed into bsa files and mod manager wont instal them.
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