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About BluewolfCA

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  1. Thanks! Downloaded. Will have a look this evening.
  2. Is there any way to get hold of these textures and in a higher resolution? I downloaded the linked file, but it only has the first five and they are really low resolution (2.6 MB). I'm currently using the SOS version of these: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/7902?tab=images Each texture is around 20MB in size and they look amazing in game. I'm just hoping to find more variations like the ones above. I've written a mod that distributes all of these skins to all of the non-beast races, so having more variants just increases the possibilities that NPC "a" will be different from NPC "b".
  3. DOH! Thank you. I'm just getting back into Skyrim and modding SE for the first time. I haven't done a play-through in several years, so I've forgotten a few of the basics.
  4. I'm uncertain about how to use the spell effects we get to invoke racemenu on self or target. I see them in my spell list, but I unlike other spells I can't assign them to the left or right hand. When I click on one of them with either mouse button I get the assignment indicator for ammunition. If that's how they are truly handled what do I cast them with?
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