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Everything posted by weerit

  1. I've found the reason, it seems that if you set specific skin texture for this outfit, the skin will be applied no matter rece you are. I've remove 2 line in the picture and the issue is fixed.
  2. I use Wasteland Dairy Framework (https://www.loverslab.com/topic/142352-wasteland-dairy-framework/) and it seems to be not support by this patch making endless loading screen. I wonder if you make a patch for this mod. Its the latest version which combine Wasteland Dairy and More Creature. Sorry for my poor English, its not my native language.
  3. Awesom!! Anyway, I found that it come with human body mash, which will be change ghoule body when equip to ghoule. I wonder if it possible to make a ghoule version, or all in one version.
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