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About weerit

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  1. I've found the reason, it seems that if you set specific skin texture for this outfit, the skin will be applied no matter rece you are. I've remove 2 line in the picture and the issue is fixed.
  2. I use Wasteland Dairy Framework (https://www.loverslab.com/topic/142352-wasteland-dairy-framework/) and it seems to be not support by this patch making endless loading screen. I wonder if you make a patch for this mod. Its the latest version which combine Wasteland Dairy and More Creature. Sorry for my poor English, its not my native language.
  3. Awesom!! Anyway, I found that it come with human body mash, which will be change ghoule body when equip to ghoule. I wonder if it possible to make a ghoule version, or all in one version.
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