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About Leroyjunkins

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  1. @ KouLeifoh Ok I see thanks, so i could opt out of the EFM morphs, but that would make my character's eyes be partially out of place like in my last pic. Now this might be a dumb question to ask you, but is there a reliable way to convert the head back to the original high poly shape with the EFM mod active? Or is it just a matter of me fiddling with sliders to match now? I was doing that before i decided to post actually, but was having a hard time. Nevermind my previous comment, i found a way to keep the preset I made and remove the weird eye issue. For anyone else trying to update past 1.1 and get EFM, export your character's head through the racemenu sculpt menu, then update and get EFM and import the head back in through the sculpt, simple as that. I also masked the neck in case there were any inconsistencies in the neck seam but it might not be necessary. I pretty much found this by disabling EFM and the new high poly head mod in my mod manager, enabled my old one and started the game to see if the eye bug was still there. It was probably super obvious anyway, but I'm a bit unlearned to skyrim modding.
  2. Hi, I've really been enjoying this mod! Not too recently I updated my high poly head from 1.1 to the latest 1.4, once i did that i noticed something weird. Characters i made with high poly head now look exactly the same as if i had the vanilla head on. That isnt to say that its not high poly, but that it is a high poly version of how it looks in vanilla. Before in 1.1 everything about the heads were different. If i switched from vanilla to high poly i saw immediate changes, now they are identical but this means my old high poly characters are now complete messed up. This is what my character looks like now: This is how my character used to look like: Also if you can see, in 1.1 my character's eyelashes were displaced and the inside corner of the eye was sticking out. If there is a fix for the sudden change, or if there is a problem on my end any information would be appreciated.
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