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About B4strdo

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  1. Hey, I would like to ask if anyone could help me or at least point me into right direction. So I would like to give Pandorable NPC replacers High Poly Head , I can convert Low Poly heads to this High Poly one and fix anomalies that occur after conforming without problems , merge new HP head with old nif, no problem all is fine, if I use any converted face on player character there are no issues everything works since tris and head nif are render as they should in realtime, I have converted Bijin mods, some followers without issues and have them working in game with absolutely no problems because I can define correct paths tris and nif in SSE-Edit since they have the head in face parts section but Pandorables have only hair and hairline in that section and nothing else so I cant define the tris and nif anyhow which results in mesh stretching ingame, also tried after converting low poly head and changed the default head they use in CK to use this one but same issue remains afterwards . How could I add the head face part to those NPCs so I can define the tri paths afterwards and have them working ingame?
  2. @ KouLeifoh Can you explain something please about Expressive Facegen Morphs..., isnt that for LowPoly Vanilla head exclusively, how exactly does your HP Head benefit from it since you have your own tris that work with Expressive Facial Animation already.
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