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About Azazemon

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  1. Quick question, why can't I wear the exoskeleton, the body suit, and the plates at the same time? All they all using the same slots?
  2. Thank you for the advice, and this file; this will definitely come in handy just in general, so thank you again. I actually did morph the erection over 100 (building the body at 100 and then putting it at another 100 through the looksmenu in game), and while it does the trick it does leave my guy to walk around with the erection still going. That's more of me being spoiled by SOS being able to go flaccid and erect over time based on arousal lol. Don't mind me, but thank you again this'll definitely help.
  3. I definitely want to start off with high praises to you my friend, it's almost impossible to find a good male mode in the flood of cbbe clones, so thank you dearly for this. A question if have is increasing the penis size. I know the sliders control how erect and where it points, but I wanted to know is there was a way to make it longer and a little bigger. My issue that with some scenes due to how it curves it'll mostly just be the tip going in (i.e. cowgirl animations), but I'm not sure how to edit the penis mesh individually without screwing up the morphing skeleton or something. (It happened to me alot when I was trying to change the size of some penises from SOS on skyrim and trying to add pubes.)
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