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vectorplexus.com is at https://vectorplexis.com until further notice. ×


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Status Updates posted by kreiste

  1. Please direct your query to me at Nexus or at my Discord

  2. I'm done. 

    1. DarkZephyr


      Thank you for all of the AMAZING work you have done.  You have made my Skyrim game fun and sexy in a way I could have only dreamed of before you came along with your fantastic designs.  I will definitely miss your contributions. 


    2. icyhugs


      What's happening? Big hugs to you first. By the way, Your Himbo works perfectly with COTR presets :D Now I can have both the younger and older version of the same knight in the game XD Talk about Multiverse of Thirst XD 


  3. If you're looking to hang out, come join us here :D

    You can find other modders too and share WIPs and stuffs or just chill with like-minded people :3

    1. Somsommi


      thank you for the invitation

  4. Looks like Wizard is winning...I guess it's time to redo my mage armor debut 🤔 or come up with an entirely new design?

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