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About Adrikk

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  1. Translating from what I assume to be Russian into English is easy enough for me on Microsoft Edge. I just select the text, right-click on it, and select Translate selection to English.
  2. This series of mods makes big guys look so cute and appealing that I'm downloading them to give it a try. So I hope I can be forgiven for a quote from C. C. Moore's A visit from St Nicholas: "He had a broad face and little round belly, That shook when he laughed like a bowl full of jelly."
    A character of the type I remember from To Trust an Incubus brought to "life" in 3-D. Sweet, cute, and sexy as promised.💘
  3. A creative idea and a beautiful young guy, and much thanks for both the original and the SE version. But although he will change outfits upon request, my attempts to undress him always result in a game crash. The SE update may still need some or other tweak. Thanks.
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