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About maddiesharob

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  1. Where would I find that?? Sorry, I've been looking all over this page and your files and can't seem to find it! Edit: my bad, I found it, I'm just dumb lol Found and installed the patch, but it doesn't seem to have helped. What should I be looking for in SSEEdit that would be conflicting? I don't use any follower framework mods or anything. Looks like there are probably several things conflicting with him, but honestly I'm not well versed in SSEEdit. I was hoping the patch would be an easy fix, but it seems not. I appreciate the help but it doesn't look like Farys is going to be useable any time soon. Great looking mod though, wish I could actually play with him.
  2. Is there a way to get him to work if you have RDO installed? With the custom voiced version I feel like that shouldn’t be a huge issue, but I can’t get him to follow me.
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