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Atomic Muscle - A Male Body for Big Guys 2.0.7

   (6 reviews)

4 Screenshots

About This File



Leito86 for the base body (EVB - Enhanced Vanilla Bodies)
Mauler158 for the penis resources
ARYAYADA, Grayshepherd, smorris2012 (SHB) & **Coldsteelj (SSBBW) for the slider references
ZAZ for the Zaz Extended Skeleton and genitals weights
Ousinus & Caliente for some other slider references + Bodyslide & Outfit Studio tools
NaiRae for the SexSwap Outfit Conversion Templates
EVERYONE IN BEARHOOD OF STEEL DISCORD SERVER who encouraged me to make this project
@good0593 for the wonderful male texture resource
asdasfa for the Bodygen tool
Wanderer for the FOMOD Creation Tool
@Napodan for the FO4edit script to apply random skin for male npcs. @FadeToBlack for the Immersive CBP Preset
@Wolvyn **for the slider contribution




I'm not going to give support for this mod through VP threads. So to give better support to you guys, i ask you to join the discord server i made specially for Atomic Muscle support in here: https://discord.gg/AAUTgsJ76q





Atomic Muscle is a body replacer based on EVB and with the same idea as SAM ( 2 Major body sliders + Genital sliders).
2 body sliders only because its easier to refit, with the downside of simple customization but can still be combined with vanilla sliders to accomplish various body shapes.

This new version of Atomic has a lot of changes and i won't support the legacy version anymore

All updated refits will be published in the following VP Blog:




All Patches and Extra content will be published in the following blog:







🌑 Animated Penis, so its compatible with AAF Animations such as Atomic Lust, BP70's and Savage Cabbage Animation Pack
🌑 Full compatible with AAF - Penis States are included for the compatibility as well as Anus Spread slider for anal penetration anims.
🌑 Foreskin slider for Cut and Uncut penis
🌑 Unique sculpted Anus rigged with Bones
🌑 Exclusive New Penis Mesh
🌑 Penis Length and Shaft Width
slider for Bigger Penis size
🌑 Customizable Body **Skin with ingame looksmenu
🌑 2 Major Body Sliders;
Nuclear Bodybuilder: focused on bodybuilder body type

- Nuka Bull: focused on powerlifter body type (chonky but stronk)
🌑 Nudesuits, they are craftable in your Chem Lab under the (Atomic Muscle) category
🌑 Optional Jiggly CBP Preset (requires CBP) or Immersive CBP Preset (by @FadeToBlack)
🌑 Optional ZeX Skeleton Edits or ZeX Skeleton Edit Wider Shoulders
🌑 Body Texture based on EVB UV with higher definition map for the penis
🌑 Looksmenu Integration for full customization experience ingame
🌑 Support for all the Vanilla outfits including DLCs Nuka World, Far Harbour & Automatron (Refits)
🌑 Skin Randomization (I gonna call it Skingen). This will make all vanilla and dlcs npcs have different body skins. Recommend to be used with Bodygen
🌑 Optional Bodygen. This will make all vanilla and dlcs npcs have different body morphs.
1. Install this mod: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/22259-hbd_morphdebug/
2. In MCM, select for
ClearAllMorphs and follow the instructions from the MOD ingame




🌑 !!!VERY IMPORTANT FOR WORKING BODY TEXTURES!!! https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/38676/?tab=files Specifically the file named: NPCMaleBodies_1.2 (OR UP) for AM2


🌑 ZaZ Extended Skeleton, the skeleton this body was rigged to: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/24592-zex-zaz-extended-skeleton/

🌑 Looksmenu, for the ingame customization: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12631




🌑 If you want the Nuka Bull Model's preset (Ulfberth):




🌑 Player Voice Frequency Slider. No point having a big body with a high voice. With this, you can have your character's voice really deep and make you wet as he talks: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/30953?tab=files

🌑 CBP Physics for Fallout 4; Atomic Muscle is compatible with CBP... and you'd need it if you pick the CBP Jiggly Preset during the FOMOD installation anyway: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/39088?tab=description

 🌑  Screen Archer Menu (SAM); for even more customization by changing character bones with an interface: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/66047?tab=files

🌑 UAP (Ulfberth's AAF Patch). For AAF gay support + it has a lot of extras like male moaning during anims:

 🌑 Universal Schlong Controller; to control penis angles. It's also included in UAP: https://www.patreon.com/posts/q-c-quick-change-58923023

🌑 Idle Animation for Muscular Male for a tougher look: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/39256/

🌑 Pip Boy 2000; because we cant refit the pip boy, it will clip a lot with the body, specially for atomic muscle where the bodies can look real big, so this mod will install a pipboy that is not shown in your forearm and you wont see the clipping bug while in the first person / while you have the pipboy menu on: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/32025/

🌑 Tactical Flashlight; in case you gonna use Pip Boy 2000 you'll lose the regular pipboy flashlight. So to keep it a bit more immersive, you can equip tactical flashlights to go through dark places:

🌑 Pip-Boy Flashlight; to customize your Tactical Flashlight lighting: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10840/?

 🌑 Quick Change Armor; for more convenient change of armor without having to use the pipboy: https://www.patreon.com/posts/q-c-quick-change-58923023

🌑 Skimpy/Semi-Skimpy Vanilla Replacers refit by the great @ g12. Thanks again for your hard work <3 :
edit: He just released a new version which cover like 95% of vanilla outfits






Just install with your mod manager like any other regular mod. If you have any other male body installed for any reason, you may want to load this after it.
Since it comes with prebuilt meshes for vanilla outfits, you may want to load this before outfit replacers.

The load order for other mods, in your assets order (left panel if you are mo2 user) should be something like:

Zex Skeleton

Atomic Muscle


For the plugins order (right panel for mo2 users) You just want to load Atomic Muscle.esp, MaleBodies_AMPatch.esm and then all the AM Skingen plugins as last as possible after


Once you have installed your body, you may want customize it right away. Open looksmenu by bringing the console up then use SLM 14 to open the looksmenu for the player character or while the console is up, left click on the npcs you want to open the looksmenu for (an id will show up on the center) and enter SLM SHOWED_UP_NPC_ID_HERE > Like SLM 24cdb3.
With the looksmenu interface up, select the Body option, then go to Advanced. There you may find some sliders you can make use of to customize your body.

For Body Skin**s, you can find them by going to OVERLAYS** option in looksmenu


As of version 2.0.0 AM will have the bodyslide files for modders only. You can have access to the bodyslide files here: https://github.com/ulfbearth/Atomic-Muscle---Modders-Resource/archive/refs/heads/main.zip
🌑 The Atomic Muscle Flaccid can be used as reference for skimpy outfits.
🌑 The Nevernude for non skimpy outfits (NOTE that you are free to customize the bulge slider on your outfit the way you want).
🌑 The Hands projects have the Nuka Bull and Nuclear Bodybuilder sliders on it to make the wrist more thicker and to match the body proportions more.
🌑 The NeverNude/Atomic Muscle + Hands projects are just meant to be used to make it easier to conform from outfits that cover both the wrist/hands and the forearms. You dont want to keep it on the end of your project depending on how the outfit looks like (because the hand textures are messed up in this one)

🌑 I made a guide you can follow to make your own refits for Atomic Muscle here:




All the bodyslide projects, including the vanilla outfits, were added to a slider group, its called Atomic Muscle in bodyslide. You can directly DOWNLOAD HERE:

If you want to add your outfits to the sliderGroup yourself, you can create a pull request here: https://github.com/ulfbearth/Atomic-Muscle-Slider-Group/tree/dev/Tools/BodySlide/SliderGroups Or, if you dont know how to use Github, just send the XML to me and i'll upload it with the changes.




You are free to use these assets in your projects as long you credit me. You dont really need to ask for permission then, but at least let me know so i can know the cool things you are working on for it



Follow me in the | Twitter | if you want to get notified in real time when i publish new refits for Fallout 4
Join me in my | Private Club | for non public releases
Join us in the Bearhood of Steel | Discord | NSFW Gay oriented server. Get in to be update with my stuff and to share yours too. A place for men who enjoy men.
Follow this | File | if you want to be aware of new updates!

If you feel like supporting what i do, you can donate to my Ko-fi account!



What's New in Version 2.0.7   See changelog


- Removed the additional nudesuits for erect angles since the Universal Schlong Controller has been released. Its gonna be incorporated to UAP as well https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/24218-universal-schlong-controller/
- Updated SAM support files to work with latest SAM version.
- Added Support option for Quick Change Armor Mod, details and download of the mod can be found here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/q-c-quick-change-58923023.




- fixed issue with dark skin bug on erection angles and tattoos with skin tint rendering not working (AGAIN)


- Tweaked armpit weights to be used with SAM mod
- Restored accidentally deleted Foreskin sliders for erection states
- Added a new plugin called UlfEquip.esm. This plugin can be used as master to add equipments to a ignore list so it can be used with AAF customEquipment System. The way the plugin works is to make it so the actor that has an equipment on them, it'll add to themselves a keyword so the AAF condition "hasKeyword" can be used on them.
The system is not fully working yet as there are still some bugs that need to be fixed, so for the time being the plugin will be available to be used in the future.

- Fixed potential issue with unweighted vertices with incorrect skeleton installed
- Fixed issue with erection angle nudesuits or during AAF making the body to have black shading


- Some weights adjustments:
=> Improved weights for Belly_Skin, L/RButt_Fat_Skin, L/R_RibHelper and Added Penis_Offset which is meant to be used with Screen Archer Menu (SAM)

- Slightly increased default penis mesh length to match EVB/BT for better animating. Requested by animator @kziitd

- Added Screen Archer Menu (SAM) support, by adding more nodes to customize any character skeleton bones ingame to achieve various body shapes. In addition 2 adjustments presets were added for the SAM mode (Ulfberto and UlfbertoNeo). You can download the SAM mod in the following discord server: https://discord.gg/5FcJsZxErY (MAKE SURE TO LOAD ATOMIC MUSCLE AFTER SAM!!!)


- Fixed possible issue with neck and wrist gap by syncing skin coordinates with the BaseMaleHead.nif and updating some slider data on the MaleHands as well
- attempt to fix some clippings for grognak costume
- Fixed issue with reference bodies not rendering overlay tattoos marked as skin tint
- Added the additional erection angle nudesuits to the craftable list of chemlab

- fixed issue with irma outfit clipping with the body

- Slighted adjusted pelvis area deformed by Shaft Width and Penis Length slider
- Added more Penis Angles for Erection Up and Down
- Removed AAF files as they are going to be present in UAP
- Added a copy of MaleBodyFlaccid.nif renamed to MaleBody.nif in attempt to fix issues related to npcs using wrong mapped body texture


Full changelog since AM v1.5.4

- A bit more defined brachioradialis muscles (forearm) for Nuka Bull and Nuclear Bodybuilder
- Fixed Anus Deformities
- More defined deltoid for Nuka Bull
- Fixed weighting issue with disciples wrapped arm armor
- More workaround for AAF Doppelganger duplicating morphs
- Fixed eyes for Brooks
- Fix attempt for the floating heads caused by bodygen. Thanks to ZubZaZub (loverslab) for the workaround
- Added Alternate Idles module to FOMOD. Recommended to be used with Idle Animations for Muscular Male by GraySheppard (load it before Atomic Muscle).
- Tweaked forearm and shoulder weights a bit
- Changed the Anus Spread Slider a bit
- added anus bones to the body
- made it so only the wider shoulder skeleton option is displayer to for simpler support.
- Enhanced lower back for Nuclear Bodybuilder slider by @Wolvyn
- Updated skeleton edit to be compatible with latest FG and ZEX version (requires zex 5.0 and up)
- Added new penis mesh with different shaped sliders, including foreskin, shaft width, sack size and penis length
- Changed body UV to support the new penis mesh keeping the latter's texture resolution
- Updated all vanilla outfits to the new reference body
- Changed requirement for Skingen files to have MaleBodies - Atomic Muscle Patch as master instead
- Equippable penis are not available anymore in the chemlab for crafting, only nude suits
- Removed Erection/Erection Up/ Erection Down morphs. They work as separated nifs to keep other slider shapes consistent
- Added AM_equipmentSetData.xml to support the "new" erection system for AAF
- Removed support for AAF Zodiac as the mod is not available and unsupported
- Sliders ingame will now advance from 5% to 5% for faster sliding.
- Changed bodygen files so it supports the new Foreskin and Penis Length sliders
- Added negative slider values for Shaft Width and Penis Length

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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

It took some time to upgrade to this, but once I did, it is magnificent! 🏆

I had to not just disable my AM clothing mods, but I disabled every single clothing mod. Which is fine, nude is better. 😉

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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

The man the myth the legend out with another masterpiece. 5/5

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Thank you so much for this awesome male body that gets better and better after every new version. One minor issue is that there seems to be a mismatch between the penis textures and the body textures or is it me doing something wrong in Looksmenu ? I updated from an existing save and selected the VictoriamLine33_shaved overlay when customizing ingame.


Response from the author:

please create a thread in the support discord server

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

-chef's kiss-

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Back in 2021 I didn't even have Fallout 4. When I found your mods here, I instantly bought it! All of your mods are so great! I really appreciate your hard work that you put in everything and most importantly that you're still working to make your mods even better for everyone!

Once again - amazing work and thank you! ♥️

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its more than just awesome,i have to say thanks for your hard work

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