About This File
SkyFurry: Male Body and Schlongs
Created by the SkyDev Team
This package is a required part of SkyFurry – A World Overhaul, a mod that is built upon the Yiffy Age of Skyrim, which changes TES: Skyrim’s human and mer races into furries. Each race has is its own anthropomorphized animal species and all races retain their vanilla buffs. To streamline the installation of SkyFurry and uphold our obligations to Vector’s EULA, we have bundled together the following to be hosted on this site:
· Rigged male body from Schlong of SAM Light along with our collision mesh
· HDT BBB Bounce configs
A schlong can be assigned to each race (and each character) in the SOS Mod Configuration Menu. The genital choices in this package are contained within individual plugins and are as follows:
· Human Schlongs: For those who are okay with being vanilla.
· Sheath Schlongs: For those who want to take a walk on the wild side.
*New* Sheaths of Skyrim by NightfallStorm
This is a rework of sheath erection behavior using SKSE. Originally, sheaths only responded to SOS Erection spell, Sexlab, Sexlab Aroused, and key controls (page-up page-down). Sheaths of Skyrim makes them work with Osex/Ostim and improves response time in Sexlab scenes. AE, SE, and VR are all supported by this DLL file. Sheaths will not work with OStim without it!
· All Schlongs: For those who are like Miley Cyrus and want “the best of both worlds.”
Both human schlongs are uncut but have no fear because this package includes an option to install the SAM Light refit of TRX-Trixter’s SOS Addon for male characters. All the original sliders (nearly 100) that come with this high poly model are present (accessible in Bodyslide and RaceMenu) except for the SOS regular and bodybuilder sliders. Instead, the SAM morphs sliders (Samson and Samuel) replace them, and those are already available in SAM Morphs for RaceMenu. NOTE: the original mod for the TRX SOS Addon is required.
For installation instructions, please visit the main page for SkyFurry.
Recommended Mods
To increase body size variation, get SAM Morphs for RaceMenu.
For floppy dongs, download Schlongs CBPC Physics SSE.
Need body and genital piercings? Try Prince Albert + Navel Piercings + Nipple Rings - Ported, Refitted and Merged.
Not enough options for genital piercings from the above mod? More (Men's) Piercings has many more.
Vector for SAM
KouLeifoh for SAM Light and HDT BBB Bounce
Don for letting us include Schlong of SAM Light
The SOS team (Vector, Smurf, and b3lisario) for Schlongs of Skyrim
TRX_Trixter for TRX – SOS Addon Male
Bad Dog for Yiffy Age of Skyrim
Thank you for giving our mod a try!
What's New in Version 1.3.2 See changelog
- Updated SchlongsofSkyrim.esp to add back missing Troll/Dragon/Falmer essences to loot lists, needed for SoS potion.
- Added no DLL version of Schlongs of Skyrim for SkyrimSE.exe versions 1.6.1130 and later.
Included FurDistributor to add flowing fur to appropriate male NPCs by Nightfallstorm - Orcish helmet alpha transparency fix by Hanotak - Masculine textures added for the Khajiit - New textures for hyena males by Vale Hyena - Updated textures for Lykaios - Misc NPC makeovers - Added Howitzer hair - Lykaios scar options added for Forebear, Reachmen and Skaal races Schlongs: - Added SchlongsofSkyrim.dll files for Steam Skyrim SE 1.6.640 and GOG Skyrim SE 1.6.659 - Updated Sheaths of Skyrim to support latest Skyrim SE versions - SAM body physics fix for twitching thighs by Vale Hyena - Added CBPC physics fix for clipping issues by Vale Hyena
- Schlong logic and shared textures now consolidated in SchlongsofSkyrim.esp, please ensure the version in our mod is not overwritten or they will not work.
- Updated patches for TRX and Total Werewolf Overhaul
- Female schlongs: anthro & sheath now included. Some mismatched textures on these are to be expected for some races for now. They mostly use the same textures as the males.
- CBBE Pubic hair (must build bodyslide): helps blend the anthro schlong. Find it under "Female No Schlong" if you use it.
- VP schlongs now have the option for dark or fur colored pubic hair.
- Masculine feline sheath texture added
- Added Sheaths of Skyrim
- VR dll now available
- More details on the nexus page for SkyFurry