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DX Emfy Cleric Outfit Undy Patch 1.1.0

   (1 review)

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I have been absolutely fascinated with Kreis' Skimpy Refits - DX Emfy Cleric Outfit + HDT 1.0.0 which was refitted by kreiste, especially its undy. Genitals could be seen through retiform chain of the undy so his refitted one was unbelievable sexy. And I also thought that if its bulge got bigger then it would become more sexy. I appealed for kreiste to make a patch for the undy to attain my desire and he consented willingly then I upload the patch here.
This patch is simply to replace meshes and tri files of Emfy Cleric Robes in kreiste’s mods which are Regular, and Revealing, and Undies versions. 
This patch provides two files. One file is a patch with SAM Body (high poly) and the other one is a patch with Bodybuilder Body (high poly) which gets pumped up for the the SAM Body. In case of the former due to SAM Body then of course the patch has compatible with other kreiste’s Emfy Cleric Outfits of refitted equipments for SAM but in case of the latter due to bulked meshes then the patch maybe doesn’t have compatible with them though I don’t check them. Please select which one you like.
This patch doesn’t also have compatible with HDT so far. As next step I will do it. 


Kreis' Skimpy Refits - DX Emfy Cleric Outfit + HDT 1.0.0 by kreiste

What's New in Version 1.1.0   See changelog

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Fantastic work! Hard to find any kind of protection in my size.

Didn't like the advice.png




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      I hope this SavrenX-style armor can make your game even more beautiful. Please enjoy.
      Credit to Kreiste for base meshes and Amidianborn for half base textures.
      Feel free to support me on 
      ( Your support can give me a lot of time to make mods )
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      Gorgeous armor from other games ported to skyrim is common. Because modern games now have beautiful designs even though most of them have bad textures too XD. Beautiful textures for Skyrim are not enough because our armor requires special changes to it's Nif specifications. Using good textures is only half the story and will not immediately bring your armor to game quality as it is today ( just much better than before ).
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      I hope this SavrenX-style armor can make your game even more beautiful. Please enjoy.
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      Feel free to support me on 
      ( Your support can give me a lot of time to make mods )
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