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Divinity:Original Sin

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As I mentioned in some other posts, I've been improving the mod, but was on hold due to one particular tool that allows me to import/export stuff, was not doing it properly for animations... Today, the guy who developed that tool gave me a new version, and it still doesn't export 100% right, BUT so far as I can see, its not "glitchy", as in, only a few animations might look awkward, but not bugged!

So I'm atm resuming what was left to do, but this is an extremely and excruciating task to undertake... I basically have to set 5 times each animation set (the animation set is what is going to allow to scale a character in game), but there are 544 animations for each player type (male and female) and those animations must be setup several times, depending on the weapons the character is carrying, which means I need to do something like 10.000 clicks! I wish I was exaggerating... =S

As I'm not going to have the patience to keep doing this tedious and monotonous task during an extended period of time, I will at best setup 2 animation sets per day, so the update won't be released before that. If I'm able to do 2 per day, the update will be released in maybe 2-3 days. In the meantime I will be switching to modding Titan Quest or something, else I'll go insane!

This proccess is also very prune to mistakes, as I may eventually misclick or miss some animation, so in case you see something odd, here's what you have to report:

  • Character's current scale (there are 5 levels of scaling, scale increases everytime you drink a Potion of the Titans, so try to keep track how many have you drank)
  • What was the action/skill that the character was playing at that particular moment
  • What weapons did the character had equipped on both hands. 2 Hand Axes and 2 Hand Swords are different, so be specific if thats the case
  • Was there any visible shrinking/growing of the character's scale when it happened?
  • Also if possible, record a video so I can see exactly whats going on

When I release the mod, I will update the install instructions (which will be SUPER easy) and a list of the added features.


EDIT: 2 sets done, spent about 4 hours clicking... I'm gonna loose it by the end LOL

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Author of the topic Posted

I had planned an update to the mod now (cleaning and clearing unneccessary and redundant data, and fixing minor bugs) but I'm also replacing one of the heads for someone with whom I made a "trade" of sort... So, until I have his feedback I'll hold on the update.

*UPDATED TO v2.0.1.0*

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Author of the topic Posted

*UPDATED TO v2.1.0.0*

I forgot to include the tweaks on Jahan and Wolgraff on the major update, so I just uploaded a new version (check the change log for details on the changes). Bear in mind that most likely these changes might only be present if a new game is started

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Author of the topic Posted

*UPDATED TO v2.2.0.0*

I didnt realized that companions start at level 3, so I changed their stats to fit the same amount as player's characters, and also changed some armor mods

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Author of the topic Posted

I've updated the mod for D:OS again, and I added some easter egg (it was a a edit a friend/patron asked me). The easter egg should be found if you are around lvl 5-8, on the Cyseal map ofc. There are 2 ways you can use it, but like all things in life, too much of something, is not always good...

EDIT: Just like to remind that the easter egg will only work for new games.

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Sorry if this isn't the right place to post this.

Loving the new play-through with the most recent version of the mod so far, however the easter egg completely eludes me. I have searched high and low in all of Cyseal that would maybe hint at it, I even tried to combine a divine essence with the unholy alter in the hidden lair in hopes that maybe something would happen.

I can be really oblivious though, is there any chance for another hint to its location?

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