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John Cena

SAM causing the game to microstutter?

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It seems like every time the game loads in a male character, the game goes through a microstutter. It gets worse when it loads in several male characters. I have a handful of other mods installed, but I don't think they're conflicting with SAM. Without that mod installed, the game doesn't suffer from any sort of stuttering.

Is there a fix or workaround for this, maybe modify it so it only works on the player? I've tried to make it so it only works on the races included with Custom Races on Nexus, but that ended up being too complicated for me.

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The micro stutter is caused because it is scaling the characters. From what I remember from the original SAM page on HOT is that if you turn scaling off then it will go away

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turn off automatic race settings, turn off scaling (body and schlong) and see if that helps I guess. I don't get the stutter but I did purposely keep my game on the lighter side to compensate for how performance demanding SAM is.

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