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Some "technical" questions

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First I'll apologize for my english writing (it's not my everyday language, it's french! ;) )

As the tags suggest, it's about custom race. But nothing with wings, tails or whatever part of the body.

I wanted to know if it's possible to install SAM for the Ningheim race (it's a relatively popular race on nexus, you can find it easily... I'll put link if needed)

If it's possible, what would be the steps (detailed steps if possible!) to put a SAM body on the Ninheim male (not women).

P.S.: I'm sorry if this has been asked before. I looked almost everywhere in your forum but I haven't found anything. So if there's a thread discussing about my issue, I would also like to read it.

Thank's in avance! :)

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Author of the topic Posted
12 hours ago, Kablooey said:

This thread should hopefully get you started. Good Luck! :)

Thank you!!!! Yes, this is exactly what I was looking for! I probably was thinking too much in french (in a matter of speech) when I was searching on the forum!

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