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SAM Light refits cause problems with AE

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I'm using the SAM Light and Vanilla Refits I downloaded last year and they used to work fine before AE, but now when the refits are active it messes things up. 3/4 of the screen is black when you start a new game, and sometimes when you start Skyrim it freezes at the main menu as its loading. Is there a version of the refits that fixes this, or something I'm doing wrong? I really love SAM Light, it's by far my favorite male body replacer, but these issues are crippling. And I don't want to use it without the refits because it makes characters' shoulders narrower in armor and causes their arms to twitch when they get in or out of clothing.

Edit: This actually seems to be a specific problem with the Blended Roads mod, not AE itself. I have no idea how that could be causing it, but there it is.

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i'm using AE with 900 mods and have no problem as you described. so problems isnt with SAM Light and refits.

probably you have non-AE mods  installed or problems with your load order.


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