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SAM+Extras Load order help, Floppy,HDT,ect

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So i redownloaded all my skyrim LE content on a new laptop with more power, but im still experiencing soooo many issues, if anyone could help me figure out the correct load orders or mods i need thatd be AMAZING. im using SAM LE with the high poly conversions, the hdt bbb bounce, and the most recent floppySOS which ive heard some dispute over its usefulness with sam. also trying to get "soul gem oven" or "fill her up" to work at the same time. im trying to make all the SE versions of the skimpy armor have growing packages, and converting them to LE using the NIF. also trying to make my own dremora follower. if anyone can help with a correct load order and/or tutorials, thatd be super helpful. i realize LE isnt the norm but i can work to convert stuff if needed.

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SAM's load order is quite straight-forward, see here: 

SAM rundown for High Poly: SAM Core - SAM High-Poly - SAM HDT BBB for High Poly - SAM textures - SAM armors - XPMSE

FloppySOS and SexLab mods can go wherever, just try your best to keep your list tidy as an act of self-love.

"Fill her up" takes a lot of tinkering. I *think* it uses the female belly node for inflation, a node that doesn't exist on the male skeleton iirc. You can just copy-paste skeleton nodes, though, which might already do the trick. If inflation already works, you can skip this.

  1. open both skeletons in Nifskope
  2. find the nodes in question on the female skeleton, choose "copy branch"
  3. go over to male skeleton, find the correct parent note, right click, "paste branch"

Also, Fill her up contains meshes for the drops that I've been tinkering with myself, the "leaky pussy" mesh and another one. They are ankered to the pelvis, which looks wrong on male characters obviously. Here's a quick but imperfect fix:

open the nifs in nifskope, find the "2 NiStringExtraData" which is set to "NPC Pelvis [Pelv]" and change it to "NPC Genitals06 [Gen06]"

The position will still be wrong, but better than before.

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