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Download — Kreis' Hide Armor Redux

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Kreis' Hide Armor Redux

Y'all know the drill. This time is the Hide Armor set, which includes Hide Armor, Studded Armor, Scaled Armor, and Scaled Horn Armor

Sorry, if it looks a bit uncreative and copy-paste-y —well, because it is. Initially, I wanted to keep the 'topless-gladiator-with-butt-cape' look the original had, but those butt-cape were a #^$#& to weight-paint so I settled with short pants instead. 

Boots and Gloves not included; no matching 1st person mesh either. Set to Vanilla textures, so it will use whatever texture pack you install. 

Also, I'm aware my screenshot game is awful. So, if anyone would be willing to take photos of my upcoming armor set, I would be in your debt. Heck, I might take request from you in exchange


If anyone wants to port this to LE or make any modifications to me, all I ask is sharing it here too for everyone else too. 

Change Log

> 05.03.2020 - Version 1. Initial release.


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