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SAM Light SE and Bodygen for NPC's

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How do I use Bodygen to give male NPC's values from Racemenu? I've seen tutorials on how to distirubute custom female Racemenu body values but i can't find any files on how to even start this process for males using bodyslide such as the XML files for presets.

First of all, what files do i need?

Can i give custom automatic values to specific NPC's? (I know Sam Light has a shout for individual NPC's but there's ALOT of values i've changed on bodyscales alone and doing this for individual follower especially at the rate I restart a new game for stability is damright tedious. I usually have 20 followers in a castle I'd rather have their custom values set initially so that when i fuck up my save files i don't have to reset them all individually again).

Can I do this for individual races? (Buff orcs, skinny high elves, fat bretons etc)

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