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Posts posted by shendragon710

  1. 30 minutes ago, sh1ny said:

    @shendragon710, archives are what you download from our website. Look closely at the extensions: do you see them ending with .7z? That's what you add to your mod manager. 


    Alternatively, you can re-pack your SAM mod files into any kind of archive with any archiving program you like, be it Windows' ZIP utility, WinZIP, WinRAR, 7-Zip, or something else. It's important that your archive format is compatible with your mod manager, so I'd bet on zip and 7z formats being most popular, but rar could be supported as well.

    You can redownload files on SAM download page:


    no i mean i couldn't install smas core. but now i think i have it up and running but now all the men are disappearing into thin air in front of me and i get a lot of transparent parts. wait how do i install same core properly? right now i just turned it into an archive but i guess thats not how you do it?

  2. 11 hours ago, sh1ny said:

    @shendragon710, you don’t need to install individual files. Instead, add SAM archives (files with .7z extension) to a mod manager of your choice and then proceed with the installation. Alternatively, unpack the contents of archives into your /Data folder relative to your Skyrim directory.

    General info about installing mods for Skyrim can be found here, for instance.

    what do you mean archive it? is there some already archive in the sam folder? im just not understanding because when i look through the folder i see the texture folder and etc and dint find any archives. also when i tried to add it to nexus mod manger it didn't work as it didn't recognize the files because it was not an archive. and that bsa stuff when i unpacked it didnt work at all. look can someone give me a super dumbed down way step by step of what to do with no implied details left out.

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