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File Comments posted by zerosleepless

  1. 4 hours ago, y_sengaku said:



    If you have not find any clue on the gap issue yet, I know one that MIGHT be relevant to this issue.

    Have you ever used Outfitstudio for adjusting the mesh? The issue I know is based on the 'reference skeleton' issue (mismatch) of BS/ OS. While the female and male skeleton looks similar (the same in bone numbers), there are some differences in xyz coodinate of bones in the especially on the crotch/ genital area. By default this is set as female (for LE: Bodyslide\res\skeleton_female_sk.nif), but you can change the setting by opening BS>Settings (right-downside, next to Outfitstudio icon)>Reference Skeleton.

    Many outfits mods are adjusted in female skeletons in spite of the fact that they are for male, and the attempt of  'schlongify'ing the wearer with the genital mesh (adjusted to the male skeleton) will cause the skeleton gender mismatch between the outfitbody (female) and the genital that end in the genital gap in such cases.

    Change OS's reference skeleton from female to male (skeleton_male_sk.nif) via BS, and import the equipment mesh in OS and export again will change the mesh's hidden 'reference' skeleton and fix the gap issue.

    And then, however, another issue will rise: RefurbMadness's front side loincloth is based on BSDarkschneider's skimpy interactive loincloth's weight painting that are fine tuned for female skeleton (I know this problem since I also use his mesh/ painting in VLSIMU). Switching the reference skeleton from female to male will result in the serious disfuction of the interactive front side cloth (Just try. Unless you set the girth of the wearer's schlong over 6-7 inches, the cloth will move far over on the actual schlong),

    tl;dr Your manual method is probably the safest way to reconcile with this kind of dillemma.

    Finally we have a clear and concise explanation for the elusive genital gap!

    I knew there was some kind of setting that messed things up , but i thought nifskope was the culprit.

    Thank you very much for this precious information.

    It'll prove more than useful in my next refit.

  2. 20 hours ago, Cyrus said:

    The tattoo issue should be fixed by moving SAMBody up higher in the nif, before the other NiTriShapes.

    For the gap, I explained how to fix that issue to someone else in this topic

    Fixed! Thank you for the tips.

    For future reference , to fix the tattoo issue ,not only should the SAM body be higher , a certain "BSDecalplacementVectroExtraData" node should be made present (by copy pasting from a nif that has it).

    The gap was a lot more tedious to fix , i have absolutely no idea why it was there to begin with , and tried many other bodies , including the default one , and the ones you suggested like the giant cloth one, the high poly , hdt ...... none of them worked at all , had to manually sculpt the genital gap area willy-nilly to close it.

  3. On 9/5/2018 at 8:34 AM, Ranulf said:

    Great conversion, although there are two problems I noticed with it : tattoos equipped with Racemenu won't show when wearing this armor, and there is a gap around genitals as well. I didn't see it at first because it's not that visible, but it's here. Just thought I would let you know! Anyway, thanks for your work! :)

    I've been trying to mend those issues but unfortunately it seems to be beyond my knowledge and i have no idea how to fix'em.

    If anybody knows how i'd be glad of the help.

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