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About Zed_Lilmothiit

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  1. Hey, all :). Apologies if this post doesn't really have any purpose, but I figure that when it comes to this kind of Skyrim content, this is really the forum to ask! Silly as it may seem, one of my biggest thrills when playing old Full Sam on Oldrim was messing with the body sliders for races and individual characters, and that definitely included the body hair ones. I loved having Nords not just be physically larger than Imperials but also much hairier, for example, lol. Silly, maybe, but it was a really fun part of the experience for me, seeing guys with different body hair patterns and actually getting some variety in scenes. It made it much more realistic and immersive. Now that I've moved over to VR, it's... very hard to go back to Oldrim, lol. But I also miss body hair scaling so much I think about it every time I play VR ;P. Is there any way to replicate these features, even just partially, in SE/VR? As far as I'm aware, there are no plans to port full SAM, so I'm just looking for other ways.
  2. Absolutely love this mod! One question, though—should messing with body hair and other sliders affect these characters? It seems like their skins are locked to hairless for me. Also, I don't mean this to rush you at all, but I'd love to see the rest of the characters added! (Mainly Yoichi as I'm... a bit obsessed with him :P). That's not to rush you though, just to assure you that there would definitely be interest if you did add the others ;D
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