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File Comments posted by 1296451373

  1. On 2/5/2024 at 12:13 AM, CaptainTripps said:

    Hey, I don't see a base mod version for 1.02. I assumed the CN file is your navigation update? do we use the base version 1.01 with CN ver 1.02?


    CN is the Chinese version and has nothing to do with navigation. If you want to use 1.02, download 1.01 first, and then download 1.02. Then you can directly install 1.02 and let it overwrite 1.01, or directly decompress 1.02 and replace 1.01 with the 1.02 esp.

  2. 3 hours ago, testingdlsenabled said:

    oh I see, I personally don't have a lot of followers and not too many modded NPCs, so it would be no problem for me and my computer can handle it

    besides, I don't use sexlab I use another framework and don't plan on switching and every framework is incompatible with each other

    I'm really sad that I can't download these handsome men because of incompatibility that's why I asked for a simple follower version of these hunks

    I tried your followers lalak&charras and their scripts never work for me, that's why I only use simple followers


    If Charras and Lalak's scripts don't work, I suggest you increase the order of the plug-ins on the right side of MO2.

    There are no special scripts for Charras and Lalak, they are only used partially during battles.

    The rest comes from dialogue. In addition, I have explained some reasons that may cause the script to fail. If you are using Ostim, it is really a pity, because this Mod is basically ffabris, I just changed the NPC.


    Moreover, if you use NFF to force the NPCs inside to become followers, it will not actually have much impact on them. At most, it will just invalidate their life AI package. Does not affect combat.

  3. 12 hours ago, testingdlsenabled said:

    I really like the way you design your characters

    could you upload simple standalone followers based on these NPCs?


    Thanks, dear,but probably not.

    Because I personally have a lot of followers, adding too many NPCs is actually not a good thing. On the contrary, it will increase the load on computer performance.

    You can use NFF to force these NPCs to become followers.

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