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Posts posted by Astrelan

  1. I'm having an issue where myself and every npc have black sorta-underwear no matter what i do. If it was the regular underwear, I'd be okay-ish, but it's like everybody tied black dishtowels around their waists. Additionally, my SAM body morphs aren't showing up when i don't have clothes on, and neither are my body textures (I use very hairy, but it shows up without body hair). Everything works fine when i put on a SAM-edited armor, so it's obviously working - just sans schlong and such. I have like a bajillion mods active, but I've got a picture there showcasing my load order for the relevant mods. I've used SAM in the past, and never really got along with it, but at least it put out for me before. Any ideas what's wrong?

    Skyrim 5_29_2018 2_58_57 PM.jpg

    Skyrim 5_29_2018 2_59_26 PM.jpg

    Nexus Mod Manager (0.65.2) - Skyrim 5_29_2018 3_02_03 PM.jpg

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