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File Comments posted by kylecwhite192

  1. The body SAM Light is already included in the mod. I don't think it will have the sos default body as the follower uses the Sam body.

    29 minutes ago, bloodritual74 said:

    if i dont have sam light hdt, will it just use the regular sos default body i have, or will he be invisible or messed up in some way?

  2. I will give it a go now and try and replicate the error, and provide a updated version if I can fix it.

    10 hours ago, Adrikk said:

    A creative idea and a beautiful young guy, and much thanks for both the original and the SE version.  But although he will change outfits upon request, my attempts to undress him always result in a game crash.  The SE update may still need some or other tweak.  Thanks.


    12 hours ago, Adrikk said:

    A creative idea and a beautiful young guy, and much thanks for both the original and the SE version.  But although he will change outfits upon request, my attempts to undress him always result in a game crash.  The SE update may still need some or other tweak.  Thanks.

    I have just uploaded a fixed version it should now function as expected.

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