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Status Replies posted by kreiste

  1. These are some top notch mods! Love your work.

  2. Thank you for your works. Your taste in armor is *chef kiss*.

    May i ask is there any chance for those replace mod of your have a standalone version?

    1. kreiste


      Thank you for your kind words :D

      No, I don't have standalone version of my replacer. 

  3. I like your work so much. Recently I converted some of your armors to HIMBO.
    Thanks for all your amazing work.

    1. kreiste


      thank you very kindly. Feel free to post them to share with others :)

  4. hi happy new year friend 😄

    1. kreiste


      happy new year too!

  5. On skimpy imperial guard armors, I am having cut off boots when used in conjunction with BD 3BBB Armors for females. Your other armors don't have any issues.

    1. kreiste


      yes, I only touch on the meshes themselves, no esp no nothing. 

      However, gap/missing limbs are due to how biped slots work and that needs to be altered with an esp. BD has an esp that probably alter the Armor slots for both female and male version. Since most (if not all) of his armors are designed to be very skin-showing, he probably ticked off/on the calves slot so that it doesn't get hidden (most boots in vanilla ticked off the calves slot so it hides the calves part of the body).

      Though I have to admit, I don't 100% understood biped slots yet but maybe this article can help you if you want to make the changes yourself to fix that. 



      Sorry I can't be much help ><

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. On skimpy imperial guard armors, I am having cut off boots when used in conjunction with BD 3BBB Armors for females. Your other armors don't have any issues.

  7. hi how are u today.  I'm a big fan of yours, you do amazing work. i would like to request a skimpy armor replace for this mod "Volkihar Knight - Vampire Armor"  and this mod that uses the first armor called  "Coldhaven - A Vampire City" se         



    1. kreiste


      Reading from the description, I think the mod also changes the the vampire lord's equipment in addition to adding new armor set. It is indeed a custom armor and probably will replace the one from my mod; though I'm not sure because I don't use it. 

      Dragonborn DLC will come soon, there's just a lot of armor and I'm a bit tired doing that so I'm taking a little break before continuing. I already got half the armors done btw. It's coming soon. 

      And no problem!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. hi how are u today.  I'm a big fan of yours, you do amazing work. i would like to request a skimpy armor replace for this mod "Volkihar Knight - Vampire Armor"  and this mod that uses the first armor called  "Coldhaven - A Vampire City" se         



    1. kreiste


      I just sent a PM to yamanotaka asking for permission. If they're okay with it, I'll do it. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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