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File Comments posted by cijatac

  1. On 12/15/2018 at 8:42 PM, LustyBeast said:

    Have you try this on SAM Full yet? I think it maybe work, I try to filled that black spot too, but I've none experience photoedit thing only basic skill.

    If someone has skillful better than me could be good to do it, you just compare Lykaios malebody with SAM Khajiit malebody you'll see some part need to filled.

    And genitals texture you just only change

    -Texture Set > SkinGenitalsMaleLykaios > actors\character\khajiitmale\genitalsmale.dds to actors\character\# Lykaios Race Textures\Lykaios Male Textures\GenitalsmaleLykaios.dds

    hi i want to know how to fix the textures issue with lykaios body i use sam full mod but  the problem with feets and body? can you help me pls.

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